Machbarkeitsstudie Angebot Sämlinge zur Wiederherstellung von Waldlandschaften
The lack of sufficient high-quality native tree seedlings is a key bottleneck for private and public tree planting initiatives in the context of forest landscape restoration (FLR). FLR countries lack functioning seed supply systems that allow planting the “right tree for the right place for the right purpose (RTFP)”. ICI supports FLR through a program that seeks to establish such systems in four African countries. The objective of the project was to assess the feasibility of the successful concept note, to liaise with relevant government authorities and stakeholders, and to develop the project design based on country missions and consultations. Unique, together with ICRAF and BGCI, has submitted the successful concept note due to complimentary technical and financial experience on FLR in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Actor and stakeholder mapping in four African countries
- In-country missions and stakeholder consultations
- Identification of potential partners, including public and private tree-planting initiatives
- Development of the full project proposal, including implementation work plans and budgets