Förderung der Agroforstwirtschaft in Sambia
The need for agricultural land and firewood are significant drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the Eastern province of Zambia. In response to these pressures, the Ministry of Agriculture of Zambia and the German Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL) have initiated the project “Promotion of Agroforestry for Production of Wood and Non-Timber-Forest-Products.” The project goal is to support and promote the Farmer Training Center (FTC) in Katete to successfully implement agroforestry practices on smallholder farmland as a climate resilient production method. In partnership with COMACO – a national social enterprise specialized in manufacturing final agroforestry products – UNIQUE was contracted to support and strengthen the FTC Katete and to guarantee that the operational management fulfill its core mandate.
- Renovation of existing training buildings and construction of a new conference hall
- Developing and running a training of trainer’s concept of public extension agents in the district
- Supporting the adoption of agroforestry by farmers in Katete district
- Guaranteeing FTC’s operationality in agroforestry promotion
- Supporting the FTC-based approach for upscaling at national level