Stärkung der privaten Beteiligung im Forstsektor
Ethiopia has set ambitious targets for climate change mitigation, adaptation and land restoration. The World Bank is supporting the implementation of Ethiopia´s Nationally Determined Contributions and the Climate-Resilient Green Economy Facility by providing analytical work on private sector participation in forest sector development. UNIQUE was contracted to analyze the need for sector specific policy reform and to support the Oromia Regional Government and the Oromia Forestry and Wildlife Enterprise in designing strategic business development options for private sector engagement. This would support the introduction of modern harvesting and new plantation management practices, and the development of modern processing industries to utilize plantation wood to produce high-quality wood products.
- Mapping of strategic business development options in state plantations and wood processing
- Development and evaluation of scenarios for private sector participation
- Recommendations for policy reform
- Supporting the inventory of Oromia’s production forests