Machbarkeitsstudie zur Restauration von Waldlandschaften
Between 1960 and 2007, Rwanda lost approximately 64% of its natural forests. Afforestation efforts are needed to counter this severe forest degradation. The Rwanda Environment Management Authority has received a grant from the Global Environment Facility to undertake a six-year Forest Landscape Restoration Project in the Mayaga Region. This project aims to secure biodiversity and carbon benefits while strengthening livelihood resilience. The project mechanisms include Forest Landscape Restoration, capacity building and upscaling clean technologies in four target districts using a participatory, knowledge-based approach. UNIQUE was contracted to undertake a feasibility assessment and to advise on the technical, socio-economic and financial viability of potential activities in the context of existing climate, gender, environmental and social risks.
- Stakeholder analysis and engagement through interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions
- Capacity needs assessment for key beneficiaries and district and federal institutions/actors
- Technical, socio-economic and financial viability assessment for proposed interventions
- Gender mainstreaming of processes and activities
- Development of an environmental and social management plan and monitoring plan