Evaluierung MIRA
AGRA seeks to catalyse agricultural transformation in Africa through innovative, sustainable, productivity increases and access to finance that improves livelihoods of smallholder farmers. UNIQUE was selected to evaluate AGRA’s Micro Reforms for African Agribusiness (MIRA) program. MIRA provided African governments with access to quality technical assistance and supported 25 regulatory reforms in agriculture. UNIQUE combined its agricultural and analytical expertise to conduct qualitative research via a desk review and through visits to the MIRA countries. In a final report to AGRA, UNIQUE summarized the findings against the OECD/DAC criteria (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/ Development Assistance Committee): relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impacts and sustainability.
- Developing an evaluation matrix.
- Visiting project countries to establish stakeholder perceptions.
- Analyzing findings and lessons learnt.
- Summarizing evaluations to AGRA, against DAC criteria.