Analyse des Forstsektors
The Zambia Forest Sector Analysis (ZAFOSA) project funded by the World Bank aims to improve the understanding of the economic value of the forest sector. ZAFOSA commissioned UNIQUE to conduct a study to assess the economic flows of bushmeat, wildlife-based tourism and forest carbon with focus on incentives and disincentives for sustainable land management. The study reveals that to realize the full economic potential of the three value chains and their contribution to national economy, the following challenges need to be addressed: i) Low public investment in the conservation and sustainable management of forests and wildlife; ii) Limited public infrastructure to and in wildlife areas; and iii) Limited participation of communities in natural resource management exacerbated by insufficient benefit sharing mechanisms.
- Secondary data review and field work in Luampula, Muchinga, Eastern and Northern provinces.
- Detailed value chain analysis for wildlife tourism, bushmeat and forest carbon.
- Development of supply-use tables for forest value chains to complete Zambia´s natural capital accounts.
- Assessment the cost of forest protection and sustainable forest management.
- Quantification of financing gaps.
- Stakeholder validation and elaboration of concise set of recommendations.