Förderung nachhaltiger Privatwaldwirtschaft in Kenia
In Kenya, in the past decade a logging ban on state forests and a rapidly increasing demand for wood products have led to the establishment of new private forest areas, small and medium-sized tree nurseries and processing plants. As they have limited forest management capacities, their production potential is restricted and risks are high. The Kenyan Ministry for Environment, Water and Natural Resources together with the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture is implementing the project “Promotion of sustainable private forestry in Kenya”. UNIQUE and its partners Hessen-Forst and WWF-Germany were selected to assist the Kenyan Forestry Service in supporting an association of small and medium-sized forest owners in realizing sustainable private forestry which is suited to site conditions.
- Analysis of private forest owners’ current situation.
- Support of a Kenyan association of small and medium-sized forest owners in two pilot counties.
- Improvement of the forest advisory service for private forest owners.
- Initiation of cooperation with German associations, forestry offices etc.