Integratives Landschaftssschutzprogramm - Programmentwurf
The Government of Zambia, with support from the World Bank, is developing a program to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in the Luangwa Valley. This sub-national jurisdictional program will introduce a suite of activities with the aim of transforming the forest landscape to a more productive ecosystem that sequesters carbon and safeguards forest benefits for rural Zambians. UNIQUE was contracted to support the design of this program by carrying out a study on the causes of deforestation and forest degradation in Luangwa Valley and developing corresponding strategy options to reduce deforestation and promote sustainable agriculture. Building on our long-term experience in forest and land management in Zambia, UNIQUE’s contribution lays the groundwork for this pioneer REDD+ jurisdictional program.
- Comprehensive analysis of drivers, agents and underlying causes of deforestation.
- Spatial analysis of Luangwa to stratify the region into priority landscapes for intervention.
- Detailed analysis of drivers and strategy options, including cost assessment, in priority areas.
- Capacity building for national counterparts to ensure program viability and sustainability.
- Beyond forest sector, assessment of key commodities causing deforestation using value chain approach.