Mangroven Wiederaufforstung durch Gemeinden
The coast of Aceh in Sumatra was severely damaged by the 2004 Tsunami. Subsequently, the Yagasu Foundation decided to engage in a large-scale coastal protection initiative. The mangrove restoration project covers 5,000 ha of the eastern coast of Aceh and North Sumatra and is the largest mangrove restoration initiative in Indonesia. The restoration work is financed by the Livelihood Fund, a private carbon fund whose aim is to maximize social impacts. As a leading carbon project developer and the main service provider for the Livelihood Fund, UNIQUE was contracted to support the Yagasu Foundation to prepare the project for validation and verification against the Verified Carbon Standard as well as the Climate, Community & Biodiversity standard in order to demonstrate global climate benefits and also livelihood benefits for local communities.
- Independent mangrove tree audits to assess plantation performance.
- Eligibility assessment including area mapping support against VCS/ CCBS requirements.
- Monitoring system development, training and implementation support for VCS/ CCBS.
- Elaboration of project documentation (Project description, Monitoring report, Risk report).
- Building on-the-job capacity along the carbon finance project development cycle.