Mid-Term Evaluation: Transforming the Charcoal Sector
Wood-based biomass energy in Tanzania account for approximately 90% of total energy consumption. The lack of country-wide formal mechanisms to tap revenues from the charcoal sector contributes to the low income of charcoal producers. The Transforming Tanzania’s Charcoal Sector (TTCS) project aimed to demostrate to national policy makers how communities can be empowered to directly benefit from the sustainable management of their forest resources. The Tanzania Forest Conservation Group and the Tanzania Community Forest Conservation Network implemented the project. UNIQUE was contracted to conduct the mid-term evaluation for phase II of the TTCS project, including an assessment of the project using the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development-Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC) criteria.
- Assessment of 4 OECD-DAC criteria: relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.
- Elaboration of a comprehensive cost benefit analysis.
- Review of the project’s capacity development strategy.
- Interviews with local communities and with Government representatives.
- Formulation of recommendations for the remaining term, and an eventual third phase of the project.