Tropical Forest Conservation Trifinio


El Salvador




Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Trifinio region, in the border triangle where Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador converge, is of high importance for the regional biodiversity and water supply. High poverty rates, lack of governmental structures and climate change lead to degradation of natural resources in this region. The project “Tropical forest conservation and administration of water catchment areas in the Trifinio region” aims at better management of natural resources and to strengthen the local stakeholders in their efforts to improve natural resource management. UNIQUE evaluated the project, which included a comprehensive review of project design, implementation, and results achieved to date. UNIQUE also supported the design of the follow-up project to ensure the review’s critical analysis is fully carried in to the next phase.

  • Realization of interviews and workshops with involved stakeholders.
  • Assessment of the project impact, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Presentation of the evaluation results.
  • Transparent public reporting and publication of evaluation results.
  • Designing and planning of the follow-up project.

Recent projects in selected country

El Salvador
El Salvador
El Salvador
Forestry| Agriculture| Climate
El Salvador
Forestry| Agriculture| Climate