REDD Readiness Preparation
Nepal is one of the countries selected by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) for the REDD Readiness Fund (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). The country implemented its REDD Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) through a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder effort. This will help Nepal to access forest climate finance when a global REDD regime becomes a recognized and agreed instrument for climate change mitigation in the post-Kyoto context. The implementation of the REDD program is led by the REDD-Forestry and Climate Change Cell in Nepal’s Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation. UNIQUE provided a Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) who helped guide day-to-day implementation of the program, ensuring that the implementation truly catalyzes the national REDD process and builds national capacity for REDD.
- Management support: ToR (Terms of Reference) formulation, administration of contracts.
- Accounting support: overseeing budgets, monitoring program implementation.
- Ensuring due consultation and participation of civil society.
- Technical assistance on REDD and policy advice to Government, REDD cell and civil society stakeholders.
- Support of setting reference levels (RLs).
- Support of designing a national system of monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV).