NEWS Mangrove Restoration - Verification Support
The Livelihoods funds develop innovative investment models to collectively address environmental degradation, climate change and rural poverty, while supporting businesses to become more sustainable. The Livelihoods Carbon Fund invested €35 million in smallholder mangrove, agroforestry, and renewable energy projects. The Livelihoods Fund for Family Farming raised €120 million to demonstrate sustainable food sourcing models for various goods including cocoa, palm oil, milk, sugar, vanilla, mint and water. Investors included companies like Danone, Mars, Veolia, Firmenich, Hermes, Schneider Electrics, Michelin, Crédit Agricole, La Poste and SAP. UNIQUE jointly developed the project portfolio of both funds, and is the main technical service provider to Livelihood Fund projects.
- Project pipeline development.
- Environmental and Social Safeguard monitoring and evaluation services.
- Carbon finance development incl. baseline survey, project design document development.
- Coaching of project developer and validation and verification support services.
- Creation of project-specific, activity-based monitoring and management information systems.
- Establishment of project-specific, multi-benefit impact-monitoring systems.
- Support in developing land-based carbon and water impact-accounting methodologies.