Monitoring and Evaluation Manual
The Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project is financed by a World Bank loan and implemented by the Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture. The project aims to increase agricultural productivity and build resilience to climate change risks in the targeted smallholder farming and pastoral communities. Given the complexity of the project and its innovative features, the design and implementation of a sound and user-friendly Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system is of particular importance. The M&E system needs to pay particular attention on the question of how to measure and monitor resilience. UNIQUE has been contracted to advise the Ministry on setting up the M&E system. The major output of this assignment will be the preparation of a comprehensive M&E manual.
- Consult stakeholders regarding their needs and expectations concerning the M&E system.
- Develop a Theory of Change for the program (focus on resilience).
- Conduct a capacity needs assessment.
- Prepare the final draft of the M&E manual.