Forestry and Environment Program
Cameroon’s rich natural resources, especially the dense tropical forests, are currently not being sustainably used to their full potential. The forest and land use sectors are not maximizing their contribution to economic growth and poverty reduction. The German Development Agency (GIZ) is therefore actively implementing the “Forest and Environment Program.” This program support the government of Cameroon, including its decentralized structures, to improve their service delivery and institutional functions required for sustainable forest and natural resource management. UNIQUE, in consortium with ECO Consult, provides technical assistance to the GIZ Program, especially to successfully implement the climate mitigation efforts under the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) agenda.
- Technical and organizational advice in the national REDD+ process and climate change policy formulation.
- Support implementation of sustainable wood energy value chains in Cameroon’s East and far North.
- Human capacity development related to natural resources management for Ministry staff.
- Backstopping services and quality assurance of the work of international and national long-term experts.