Arjuna Sericulture Forest Project
The Livelihoods Funds contracted Unique to develop a Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Project Description (PD) and to support the first monitoring of an agroforestry project in India, implemented by the non-governmental organization Pradan. A joint field trip to gather pertinent data and documentation laid the groundwork for the necessary PD studies such as baseline, additionality, and VCS eligibility. Unique also conducted VCS safeguards studies for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU), determined the project leakage factor, and assessed non-permanence risk. The ex-ante carbon yield estimate was reviewed and updated. Unique played a key role in project validation, verification, and monitoring design. It conducted on-site monitoring training and supported the monitoring campaign and validation/verification body field visit.
- Development of the Verified Carbon Standard Project Description
- Implementation of the first monitoring for the agroforestry project
- Data collection for Project Description studies
- Assessing AFOLU VCS safeguards, leakage, non-permanence risk, eligibility, additionality, baseline
- Update of ex-ante carbon yield estimation