Regulatorische Bewertung der Mais- und Sojamärkte
IFC is implementing the East Africa Maize Soy project. This project aims to increase local sourcing of commercially available maize and soybeans from smallholder and emergent commercial farmers by IFC’s agribusiness clients (processing enterprises) in selected East African countries. UNIQUE was selected to conduct a regulatory and governance framework assessment for the maize and soybean value chains in Ethiopia. The end goal of the assessment was to promote better regulatory practices and governance, which would help to increase economic competitiveness, domestic value addition, and promote exports. The key requirements to achieve these aims are enhanced access to improved inputs, modern agricultural practices, finance, and markets for smallholder farmers.
- Review of laws and regulations in the selected value chains
- Assessing the Governance Framework and regulatory institutions’ capabilities
- Development of regulatory database based on document review and key informant interviews
- Evaluation following the ‘Principles of Good Regulation’ adopted by international organizations
- Inferences for regulatory and governance reforms and alternatives